Couponing has helped my family survive hard times. When we didn’t have much money, we never had to worry about what the children would eat. One thing we never ran out of, was food. In this article, I’m going to teach you the basics of couponing and how to live in abundance while still living within your means.
Couponing is the new cash! You can save thousands of dollars a year using coupons for groceries. I am far from the greatest couponer of all time, but saving $4,000 in 2015 really helped my family get ahead financially.
Getting coupons is the easy part. You can get coupons by purchasing the Sunday newspaper at your local grocery store or gas station. If you would like to get coupons for free, there are lots of places where free coupons can be found. I’ve found them in magazines in doctors offices, laundromats, the free Pennysaver newspapers,, Etc. Ask around, your friends, family members and co-workers may have coupons they are willing to give you.
Next, you need to do a little research. In order to be a successful couponer, you need to know when the new advertisement or sales start at your local stores. These ads can be found online (Flipp app) or in the Sunday paper along with coupons. Also, there is usually a small stand or kiosk at the entrance of the store that contains advertisements.
Once you have an idea of when the sales start and you have begun to collect coupons, you are ready to do some matchups. Examine the advertisement and find products that match the coupons you have. Be aware of the expiration date on the coupon and the date of the advertisement. Most store sales last only one or two weeks, it is pertinent you use your coupons in a timely manner.
Also make sure the coupon you are using specifically matches the item for sale. Mistakes can easily be made when couponing. Be sure to read the coupon in its entirety prior to use, some coupons have a limit of how many identical coupons can be used in one transaction. Some coupons have products size limits. You can locate a stores couponing policy online or at the customer service desk of the store. This will help you get a better understanding of the specific couponing regulations for each store.
You can store your coupons anyway that is easiest for you to retrieve them. I use a zip up binder. I separate my coupons with baseball card holders and dividers. I categorize the items how they are found in the grocery store, this is what’s easiest for me. You may find something else that works better for you.
I wish you luck on your first shopping trip! Don’t forget to be patient and understanding with cashiers and yourself. Couponing can not only be a great hobby, but also a great way to better your financial situation!